We understand that seeing a lawyer can be daunting. Knowing what to expect when it comes to what you will need to pay is important. We work on a folio/ fixed basis and ensure that there are no hidden surprises. Our charges are set out below and each client is provided full disclosure on their expected legal costs at the time you retain one of our solicitors.
Our schedule of costs incorporates both fixed fee and time-based methods.
Description Charge (Incl GST)
Drafting Documents (other than letters)
Producing Documents (other than letters)
Drafting and Producing letters, Emails or Text Messages
Reading of Documents, Emails, Attachments or Text Messages
Scanning of Documents (where reading is not necessary)
Note: “per folio” means per 100 words and part thereof.
Any work which does not fall within the above categories is considered an attendance of time spent on your file which is costed at our solicitor’s hourly rate detailed below.
Attendances Charges & Costs (Not Including Court Appearances)
In respect of attendances or time spent on your matter, our legal costs are determined by an hourly charge incurred in six (6) minute units or part thereof. This includes, but is not limited to:
Time spent personally;
Time spent preparing;
Telephone communications;
Time spent travelling from the office;
Time spent filing documents;
Serving documents; Lodging documents;
Making enquiries;
Meetings or conferences with yourself or other office/departments;
Receiving instructions or giving advice;
Instructing or conference with Counsel/Barristers; and
Attendance upon any other person involved in the matter.
Our staff and lawyers record their time. Our clerks, admin staff and each lawyer have their own hourly charge which reflects that lawyer’s skill and experience. The current hourly rates (GST inclusive) of the lawyers and staff likely to be involved in this matter are:
Name Hourly rate (incl GST)
Principal Solicitor
Ruby Oldham $ 450.00​​
Jess McAuliffe $ 220.00
Legal Assistant
Louise Rosser $ 150.00
Our Court Appearance Charges
The current fixed daily charges (GST inclusive) for court matters and other appearances including any necessary conferences with you on the day, are tabled as follows:
Description Charge (incl GST)
Adjournment Only
Call Over
Subpoena Hearing –
(Contested only, inspecting documents incurs hourly charges)
Divorce Hearing
Case Assessment Conference, Mention, Duty List, Interim Hearing
Conciliation Conference
Roundtable Dispute Management Conference or Mediation
Appearance for Consent Orders only
Final Hearing or Trial
Intervention Orders
Simple Divorce $ 880.00
Divorces requiring supporting documents and/or appearances $ 1,500.00
$ 880.00
$ 880.00
$ 880.00
$ 880.00
$ 2,200.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 880.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 1,650.00
$77.00 per folio
$33.00 per page
$49.20 per folio
$22.00 per folio
$15.00 per page
$2.20 per page